The Chances Scholarship provides funding to Local Platte Canyon High School Seniors.

We believe that all graduating seniors should have the opportunity to receive financial support to pursue further education, regardless of their chosen path, whether it be trade schools, professional development training, or college.

Join Us for our Annual Silent Auction

Every year Chances puts on an online silent auction that connects with an in-person event. 

This year our event will be held at Aspen Peak Cellars on April 5th.

The online auction will be open from 1pm to 5pm. You can bid online from the comfort of your home or join us at the event if you want to browse the items in person before bidding.

If you are interested in donating items for our silent auction, please complete the following form.

Donate an Item

Purchase your Quilt Ticket Today!!

The more tickets you purchase the better chance you have at winning!!!

Each ticket it $5.

We will pick the winner at the in-person event on May 4th.

1. Complete Sponsorship form.

Sponsor Form

2. Choose your level and submit donation.

If you have any questions, please contact, Vivian Rosso, Chair for Chance Scholarship, at

Not interested in being a sponsor, but want to give a donation?

Donate Now

Apply for a Scholarship

Do you know a senior graduating from the Platte Canyon Area or are you one yourself? Don't hesitate to take this opportunity for your community to provide support as you take your next steps forward.

Deadline for Scholarship application April 11, 2025

Complete Application

Platte Canyon Chances Scholarship Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization, with an IRS ruling year of 2018, and donations are tax-deductible.

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