Since its inception the Platte Canyon Area Chamber of Commerce has strived to help local businesses by providing a unified voice in the community. The chamber works hard to bring tools and resources that help business grow, while maintaining the beauty and integrity of our area.
The Platte Canyon Area Chamber of Commerce is a private, non-profit organization supported by its members. The chamber receives no funds from state or local government. The chamber is funded solely by membership dues, advertising revenue and special events.
To encourage business growth and a strong community by providing information and advocacy for members.
To support the future growth of a thriving community with energetic leadership, enhanced local participation and an enriched business climate.
The Platte Canyon region is rich in history and tradition. To support the gold mining industry a road was built through the Platte Canyon region in the middle 1800s. Later in the 1800s The Denver South Park and Pacific Railroad was built though the region to support the timber industry.
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